New Homes

Structural Engineering for Your New Home That Won’t Send You Broke

Are you ready to build a new home?

You’re looking for a structural engineer to provide structural engineering for your new home.

But who can you trust?

You want a structural engineer who will do a quality job. You want someone that will communicate openly and clearly and you want a set of plans that makes it easy for your builder to give you an accurate quotation.

I think Cornell Engineers can help you and we want to be the structural engineer for your new home project.

We’ve been providing structural engineering for new houses in Queensland and New South Wales since 2003 – so read on and let’s see how we can help you!

New Homes Waffle Pod Slabs

Are Waffle Slabs Able to Protect Australian Homes From Movement

Are waffle slabs able to satisfactorily protect Australian homes from slab heave and foundation movement?

This question is for you, structural engineers and geotechnical engineers and foundation specialists of Australia.

If you are applying AS2870 to waffle slab designs please comment below. We want to hear from you.

Footings and Slabs New Homes

Screw piers, Pile caps and Houses

Footings and Slabs New Homes

What Volume House Builders Don’t Want You To Know

The number one secret volume housebuilders don’t want you to know is that you are entitled to a certain standard of construction and finish in your home.

So picture this. You design and build your dream house with a volume builder. It all goes fairly smoothly. You move in. Three months later you see a crack or two in the walls.

“How bad does a crack have to be before it is a problem?”, you wonder.

Footings and Slabs New Homes

How does a structural engineer check engineering drawings

Join senior structural engineer, Matt Cornell from Cornell Engineers, as he checks a set of drawings for a single storey concrete masonry (Besser block) home to be built in a cyclone region.

He goes through the process of checking a set of structural engineering drawings with some tips for checking and good construction.