I found this series of SpaceGass training videos on YouTube and thought they were worth sharing.
The videos are getting a bit old now (2010) but that’s the version we use at Cornell Engineers – and I suspect this version is still in use in quite a few small structural engineering consultancies.
SpaceGass is an awesome 3d structural engineering analysis program. Buy it at the SpaceGass website.
Hope you find these videos on steel member design useful.
There are also videos that explain the basics of member entry but I assume you already know how to do this if you’re a regular SpaceGass user and a qualified engineer (or in training).
Thanks to SpaceGass for creating these videos. Here’s a link to a list of all their videos:
At Cornell Engineers we use SpaceGass analysis software to generate bending moment diagrams and shear force diagrams for beams, columns and portal frames.